
[problem] White to play and live… correctly this time…

So this is a little problem that came up in my game… it is actually really simple, but my opponent made a mistake; granted, I made a follow up mistake to his mistake, and he followed up with a mistake that ultimately let me kill it anyway. In the actual game it didn’t make a difference whether it lived or not, but it was an interesting review of our mutual stupidity.

Black to play and kill
White to play and live

A gremlin on my board…

I calculate 1 B2 Bomber, combined with 3 empty triangle-y shapes…

So I was just having a game on OGS, accepted one by an 18k (even with 6.5 dum) and off we went… Then, one day, I look up to the screen, and a mental scream of horror pierces my ears; it took me a full minute to realise it was I who was screaming…

It’s a Frankenstein creation, as if an B2 bomber was genetically crossed with an S-shaped double empty triangle… It’s… It’s… It’s wrong… It’s evil… While an empty triangle is cute, despite not being very useful, this is just… It’s as if gizmo took the ice-bucket challenge… I created a gremlin on the board…

Guinness World Record attempt in Seoul, South-Korea

1004 simultaneous games at Gwanghwamun Square, Seoul
(source: whoever was there, took the picture, and posted it originally on facebook)
1004 simultaneous games at Gwanghwamun Square, Seoul


So I assume there are a number of experienced players playing multiple games at once, in order to maximise the amount of games being played… No idea when this was, probably around today. It’s things like this that make me miss Korea.